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网络整理 2019-09-24 06:00托福写作遭遇陌生话题缺乏思路是比较让人头疼的一件事,考试中如果遇到自己完全不知道怎么写的题目可能会严重影响大家的发挥和心态。因此,考生需要在写作备考中就开始多接触各类作文话题了解写法思路,多读一些高分范文提前进行铺垫。下面美征小编就为大家带来托福写作难点话题的思路解析和高分范文赏析。 copyright dongdongliu
copyright dongdongliu
托福写作难点话题一览 织梦内容管理系统
Be assigned a roommate, or choose your own roommate? 织梦内容管理系统
You have been told that dormitory rooms at your university must be shared by two students. Would you rather have the university assign a student to share a room with you, or would you rather choose your own roommate? Use specific reasons and details to explain your answer. 内容来自dongdongliu
写作思路展开结构分析 dongdongliu.com
陈述学校分配的好处/陈述自己选择的好处(注意,两种方法都有缺点) 选择立场。选择让学校分配可以体现自己的大度(open-minded and magnanimous)或者说适应能力强随和好相处,选择自己挑室友则可以说为了以后更好的相处等等。
copyright dongdongliu
copyright dongdongliu
Going to university is an exciting time in a young person's life. Part of the experience is living in the campus dormitory, and it is the first time for person away from his/her parents, in many cases. If one has to share a room with another student, I believe that it is better that the university picks the prospective roommate. When a young person first goes to university, he/she often moves straight to the school from his/her bedroom at his/her parents' house. This usually means that the person has no idea of the qualities necessary to be a good roommate. Perhaps the young person would choose to live with a good friend. While this situation could be a very happy one, it could also be disastrous. Getting along with a friend as a roommate, if not properly handled, could quickly ruin the relationship. If the school picks one's roommate, this is less likely to happen. In many cases, young people travel out of the city they grew up in to go to university. For many of these students, picking a potential roommate would be difficult. They know very few people in the new city, let alone at the university. This can lead to very stressful situations. If one is trying to settle into a new environment, but also must find a roommate to live with, he/she might find the whole experience overwhelming. Finally, I think having the school choose roommates rather than the individuals is a good idea because living with a person you do not know can be a rewarding experience. A stranger can quickly turn into one's best friend, as memories are forged while living together in a confined space.
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