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网络整理 2017-11-30 16:26我读过的书很多,但要属给我留下记忆最深的,就是《汤姆索亚历险记》了吧,这本书的作者是,美国伟大的文学作家马克吐温。而这本书的主角,却是一个劣迹斑斑,顽皮淘气,有远大的理想,也有许多烦恼,天真浪漫的孩童。 织梦内容管理系统
汤姆的父母早年去世,寄养在姨妈家里,在姨妈眼里,他是一个捣蛋将军,却又情不自禁的喜欢汤姆。从汤姆的身上,我们看到了自己喜欢的影子:聪明,勇敢,正直,乐观,富有同情心。 本文来自织梦
在那个年代,汤姆有点叛逆,有点梦想就去当绿林好汉。在他们眼里,强盗就是劫富济贫的好榜样。汤姆在充满阳光的世界里,告诉我们,只要有快乐,有梦想,美梦便可成真。 织梦好,好织梦
我相信在以后的日子里,我的生命中一定会时时记起这样一个人。 织梦好,好织梦
Read the adventures of Tom Sawyer -- inductiveThe books I have read a lot, but should belong to leave me a most memorable, is the adventures of Tom Sawyer -- too, the author of this book is that great American writer Mark Twain literature. But this book of leading role, but one was stained, naughty, have ideals, there are also many troubles, innocent romance of children.Tom's parents died, foster in early aunt home, in my aunt's eyes, he is a monkey general, but can't help like Tom. From Tom's body, we see ourselves like shadow: smart, brave, integrity, optimistic, compassionate.At that age, Tom a little rebellious, a little dream go to when outlaw. In their eyes, the robber is maxi-cans good example. Tom in the world full of sunshine, tell us, as long as have the joy, a dream, dream will come true.I believe in the later days, my life will always remember such a person.
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